Kriya Yoga

Notes, Indexing and Compilation by

Michael P. Garofalo

October 12, 2004


Bibliography      Links      Quotations      History      Lineage      Initiation

Introduction      Essential Reading








Essential Reading

The Science of Kriya Yoga.  Chapter 26 of "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramhansa
Yogananda.  This is a very important explanation of Kriya Yoga.  49Kb.  

Important Online Resources for Kriya Yoga Students     

The Natural Science of Kriya Yoga
.   By Goswami Kriyananda.   Chicago, Illinois,
The Temple of Kriya Yoga, 1976, 2002.  Index, 367 pages.  ISBN: 0961309911.  
This book offers a comprehensive outline of Raja Yoga and Kriya Yoga.   

Yoga Niketon Library




Links and Bibliography


All You Wanted to Know About Kriya Yoga.  By Ravindra Kumar.  Sterling Publishers,
2000.  152 pages.  ISBN:

Ananda Course in Self-Realization, Part I: Lessons in Meditation.  By John Novak.  
Based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda and his direct disciple, 
Swami Kriyananda.  Nevada City, California, Ananda Church of Self-Realization, 
1997.  Spiral bound handbook.  104 pages.  MGC.  This course also includes 
2 audio CDs or audiotapes with Lessons in Meditation by John Novak, 2002.  

Ananda Course in Self- Realization   Prepared by the Ananda Church of Self-Realization, 
which offers course materials, videotapes, CDs, advice, e-mail, and guidance.  .

Ananda Lessons in Meditation Online, Ananda Course in Self-Realization.  Description of
overall study program for Kriya Yoga Preparation.  

Ananda Yoga for Higher Awareness.  By Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters).  Nevada
City, CA, Crystal Clarity Publishers, 1967.   Appendices, 159 pages.  ISBN:1565890787.

Ananda Church of Self-Realization.  14618 Tyler Fotte Road, Nevada City, California,
95959, 530-470-2340.  .   

The Art and Science of Raja Yoga
.  By Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters).  Includes 
information on philosophy, meditation, postures, diet, breathing, routines, and health.  Nevada
City, CA, Crystal Clarity Publishers, c 2002.  Includes audio CD disk.   Index, glossary,
471 pages.  This book is in a spiral binding so it can be used as a workbook/textbook.  
ISBN: 156589166X.  

Autobiography of a Yogi.   By Paramhansa Yogananda.  Reprint of the Philosophical Library
1946 First Edition.   The Original Unaltered Edition.  New York, Philosophical Library, 
1946.  Reprinted by Crystal Clarity Publishers, Nevada City, CA, 1995.  Index, 481 pages.
 ISBN:1565891082.  MGC.  

Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition.  Edited by Marshall Govindan.  Kriya Yoga
Publications, 2nd Edition, 1998.  ISBN: 1895383005.  Lots of different opinions about
Mr. Govindan's book about the Avatar Babaji.  The book has gone into a 4th edition.  
There will always be lots of myth and lore surrounding any person who has supposedly 
lived for 1,800 years.  Compare the Avatar Babaji with the Chinese Immortal 
Master Chang San-Feng
.  When will Babaji pound his dando on the earth, say "let's go" to 
his entourage, and come to visit America?  I keep looking for him/her (a somewhat
androgynous Avatar it seems to me) walking through the Sacramento Valley on 
his way to Mt. Shasta.  

Babaji's Kriya Hatha Yoga: 18 Postures of Relaxation and Rejuvenation.  By Marshall
Govindan.  Kriya Yoga Publications, 1995.  30 pages.  ISBN: 189538303X.  

Bhagavad Gita    In English and many other languages.  18 Chapters.  

The Christ Consciousness.  By Norman Paulsen.  Solar Logos Foundation, 2002.
528 pages.  ISBN: 0941848094.  

Clarity Online Magazine from Ananda

Center for Spiritual Awareness.   Roy Eugene Davis, 1931-, Spiritual Director.  Teachings in 
the Kriya Yoga Tradition.  Publisher of the Truth Journal.  Lakemont, Georgia, USA.
Selected quotations from R. E. Davis.

Center for Spiritual Awareness: Books, Publications, Audiotapes, Videotapes.    

Chakras and Kundalini Yoga  

Ch'i, Prana, Qi, Ether, Orgon, Ching

Criticism of Kriya Yoga of Self-Realization Fellowship  

Criticism of Mahaavatar Babaji, Immortal Enigma, by Anjali Bagwe.  

Critique of Self Realization Fellowship Teaching

Cyberspace Ashram for Kriya Yoga, God Yoga, Divine Love and God realization
Brief articles, worksheets, and suggestions in both English and German.  

Daily Mediation Newsletters from Ananda Sangha

Roy Eugene Davis: InterviewSeminars - Comments, Links

Energization Exercises.  Based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda and his
direct disciple, Swami Kriyananda.  19 page pamphlet.  Crystal Clarity Publishers,
Nevada, CA.  MGC.    

Energization Exercises Online.   Instruction offered in videotapes, poster, audiotapes, booklet.
Presented by the Ananda Sangha in Nevada City.  Many of the energization exercises will be 
familiar to students of Chinese Qigong.  Qigong means "Qi Exercises" or "Qi Training."  The
Chinese word "Qi" or "Chi" means "vital energy, life force, air, internal vitality" and is generally
identical in meaning to the Sanskrit term "prana."  

Energization Exercises (Qigong)

The Expanding Light Sadhana.  An instructional videotape featuring Barbara Bingham.  
Includes Paramahansa Yogananda's Energization Exercises, gentle Ananda yoga, deep
relaxation, and meditation.  Available from The Expanding Light, Nevada City, CA.  MGC. 

The Eternal Way: The Inner Meaning of the Bhagavad Gita.  A New Comprehensive 
Commentary in the Light of Kriya Yoga.   By Roy Eugene Davis.  CSA Press, 1999.
ISBN: 0877072485.

Fitness and Well Being    

Furio's Kriya Yoga  Articles in Italian.  

Google Index - Kriya Yoga    

Gray Mist at Dawn: The Story of Kriya Yoga's Hidden Master - Sri Sheliji.
By Steven Cozzi.  1st Books Library, 2002.  160 pages.  ISBN: 140338892X.  

Hatha Yoga Pradipika.  By Swami Svatmarama.  Foreward by B. K. S. Iyengar.  Commentary
by Hans Ulrich Rieker.  Translated by Elsy Becherer.  Harper Collins, Aquarian/Thorsons, 1972.
Complete text online, 321 Kb.  

The Holy Science
.   By Swami Sri Ukteswar.   Encinitas, California, Self-Realization
Fellowship, 1990.   First published in 1894.  128 pages.  ISBN: 0876120516.  

How I Became a Disciple of Babaji.   By Marshall Govindan.  Kriya Yoga Publications,
1997.  90 pages.  1895383048.

How to Meditate
.  By John Jyotish Novak.  A Step by Step Guide to the Art and Science 
of Meditation.  Nevada City, CA, Crystal Clarity Publishers.  119 pages.  MGC.  
ISBN: 1565897161.    

How You Can Talk With God.   By Paramahansa Yogananda.   Encinitas, California,
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers, 1985.  ISBN:  0876121601.

Important Online Resources for Kriya Yoga Students

The Initiation.  By Donald Schnell.  Inner Ocean Publishing, 2002.  184 pages.  
ISBN: 1930722060.  Prema Baba Swamiji, Dr. Donald Schnell, met Babaji in
India in 1997 and received Babaji’s blessing of Prema (divine love).

International Babaji Yoga Sangam.   Founded by: Porfessor, Doctor Yogi S. A. A. Ramaiah.
Main temple in Grahamsville, New York.  Pledge   

Jewel in the Lotus: The Tantric Path to Higher Consciouness.  A Complete and Systematic
Course in Tantric Kriya Yoga.  By Sunyata Saraswati and Bodhi Avinasha.  Ipsalu Publishing,
3rd Edition, 2002.  260 pages.  ISBN: 0929459024.

Journey to Self-Realization: Collected Talks and Essays on Realizing God in Daily Life.
By Paramahansa Yogananda.  Encinitas, California, Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers,
1997.  462 pages.  ISBN: 0876122551.  

   By Carl Schmidt.   40Kb.

Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga at Ananda   

Kriya Yoga - Highway to the Infinite   J. Donald Walters.  

Kriya Yoga - Short Bibliography

Kriya Yoga Institute  Versions of this website are available in German, French, Spanish, 
Portguese, and Polish.  Information, artwork, photographs, class and seminar information,
links, articles, books and audiotapes, and news.  

Kriya Yoga, International Babaji Yoga Sangam   

Kriya Yoga Lore in the Lahiri Mayasaya Family

Kriya Yoga of Babaji: The Lahiri Mahasaya Lineage 

Kriya Yoga Philosophy and Lifestyle Practices     

Kriya Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali and the Siddhas.  Translated by Marshall Govindan and 
Georg Feuerstein.  Kriya Yoga Publications, 2001.  320 pages.  ISBN: 1895383129.

Kriya Yoga Tree   

Kriya Yoga Vigyan.  By Swami Nitayananda Giriji Maharaj.  English translation by 
Dr. Brij Kumar.   Yoga Niketan, 1999.

Kriya Yoga Website

Kundalini Yoga

The Laws of Karma: Deeper Insight to the Esoteric Teachings of Kriya Yoga.  
By Goswami Kriyananda.  Temple of Kriya Yoga, 1997.  187 pages.  
ISBN: 092952201X.    

Learn Meditation - Ananda Sangha   

Life Surrendered in God: The Philosophy and Practices of Kriya Yoga.  By
Roy Eugene Davis.  CSA Press, 2nd Edition, 1995.  ISBN: 0877072469.

Light on Authentic Original Kriya Yoga
- Satgurudeva Paramahamsa.  
Articles by Paramahamsa Hariharananda.

The Living Gita: The Complete Bhagavad Gita: A Commentary for Modern Readers.
Translation and Commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda.  Integral Yoga Pubs., 1997.  
326 pages.

Meditation: Guides, Links, Bibliography, Quotations, Notes   Michael P. Garofalo.

Meditation for Starters
.  By J. Donald Walters (Swami Kriyananda).  Nevada City, CA,
Crystal Clarity Publishers.  136 pages.  ISBN: 1565890795.   For information on this
book, and its audiotape, CD, and videotape versions go to Crystal Clarity.

Meditation Support Online from Ananda Sangha    

Metaphysical Meditations
.  By Paramhansa Yogananda.  Nevada City, CA, Crystal
Clarity Publishers, 2003.  144 pages.  ISBN: 1565891791.  Topics include: devotion
and worship, meditations on God, finding God, expansion of consciousness, Self-
Improvement, material concerns, and special Christmas meditations.  

Mind Portals to Superconsciousness (Kriya Yoga Sojourn to God).  By Gerald Kuwada.
Self-Mastery Publications, 1997.  112 pages.  ISBN: 0964338637.

The Natural Science of Kriya Yoga
.   By Goswami Kriyananda.   Chicago, Illinois,
The Temple of Kriya Yoga, 1976, 2002.  Index, 367 pages.  ISBN: 0961309911.  
MGC.  This book offers a comprehensive outline of Raja Yoga and Kriya Yoga.   

Online Kriya Yoga Support: Welcome to the Holy Science of Kriya Yoga Meditation.

Original Kriya Yoga with Yogi Dhirananda    

The Path of Light: A Guide to 21st Century Discipleship and Spiritual Practice in the Kriya
Yoga Tradition.  CSA Press, 1998.  155 pages.  ISBN: 0877072779.

Qigong (Energization Exercises): Guides, Links, Bibliography, Lessons
   Michael Garofalo.  

A Recipe for Bliss: Kriya Yoga for a New Millennium.   By Carl Schmidt.  New Falcon
Publications, 2002.  272 pages.  ISBN: 1561841595.   

Religious Movements Homepage: Self-Realization Fellowship

Research and Study of Kriya Yoga

Sacred Science: Meditation, Transformation, Illumination.   By Norman Paulsen.  
Solar Logos Foundation, 2000.   159 pages.  ISBN: 0941848086.   

The Science of Kriya Yoga.  Chaper 26 of "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa
Yogaananda.  This is a very important explanation of Kriya Yoga.  49Kb.  

Scientific Healing Affirmations.   By Paramahansa Yogananda.  Encinitas, California,
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers, 1987.  78 pages.  ISBN: 087612144X.

Self-Realization Fellowship Gurus

Self-Realization Fellowship's Kriya Yoga Pledge and Others  A critical view of SRF Kriya.  

Self-Realization Fellowship Links

Seven Lessons in Conscius Living: Kriya Yoga Philosophy and Practices.  By Eugene
Roy Davis.  Lakemont, Georgia, Center for Spiritual Awareness.  144 pages.
ISBN: 0877072809.  

Shrine to the Kriya Masters   Presented by Yoga Niketan.  

Subject Index to the Cloud Hands Website   

Swami Yogananda and the Self-Realization Fellowship.  A Successful Hindu Countermission
to the West.  By Elliot Miller.  A critical essay.  

T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong: Guides, Links, Bibliography, Quotes, Notes   Michael Garofalo.

Tantric Kriya Yoga
   By Alan Verdegraal.  

Tantric Yoga: Links, Bibliography, Quotes, Notes

Tantra Yoga Nada Yoga Kriya Yoga.   By Swami Sivananda.  Divine Life Society.
ISBN: 8170520428.

Temple of Kriya Yoga   Based in Chicago, Illionis.  Spiritual Director: Goswami Kriyananda
Classes, news, information, books and audiotapes.  

Traditional Yoga Studies
    Manton, California.  An informative and extensive website
with articles, forums, resources, links, and information about a variety of types of 
traditional yoga.   The website provides detailed information about the 800 hour distance 
learning course of traditional yoga studies conduced by the noted scholar and 
author, Georg Feuerstein.    

The Unitybreath from Sri Ykteshwar and Drunvalo Melchizedek.   By Hseetam Ra.  

The Upanishads.  Translated with comments by Eknath Easwaran.  Tomales Bay,
California, Nilgiri Press,1987.  311 pages.  ISBN: 0915132397.

Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan   Compare energization exercises from Yoga tradition to Taoist
Qigong (Energy Training) exercises life the Five Animal Frolics or Eight Section Brocade.  

The Voice of Babaji: A Trilogy of Kriya Yoga.  By V. T. Neelakantan and S.A. A. Ramaiah.  
A recording by V.T. Neelakantan of a series of talks given by Satguru Kriya Babaji in 1952.
Quebec, Canada, Kriya Yoga Publications.  534 pages.  ISBN: 1895383234.  

What is Kriya  A very informative essay.  31Kb.      

What is Kriya Yoga    

Yoga for Krishna and Shiva Consciousness.  By Shailendra.  

Yoga: Guides, Links, Bibliography, Quotations, Notes   Michael P. Garofalo.

Yoga Niketan: Devoted to the Preservation of Kriya Yoga as Taught by 
Yogiraj Sri Sri Lahire Mahasaya.  Portland, Maine.  Excellent articles and 

Yoga Niketan Library.  A large collection of articles and essays. 

Yoga Techniques as Taught by Paramahansa Yogananda

Yoga, Red Bluff, California - Michael P. Garofalo


Yukteswarji, Swami Sri Giriji Maharaji  (10 May 1855  - 9 March 1936)
Other Names:  Sriyukteshwar, Priya Nath Karar.

    Yukteswarji, Swami Sri

    Sri Yukteswar Teachings






I began my study of study of Kriya Yoga as presented by the Ananda Sangha (Nevada City, CA).
My notes and observations on Kriya Yoga will differ somewhat from those presented by other
individuals and organizations.   Most lineages speak of the Avatar Maharaja Babaji, Yogiraj
Lahiri Mayasaha, Sri Yukteshwar, Shrimat Bhupendranath Sanyal and Paramahansa Yogananda 
as the seminal spiritual teachers in the Kriya Yoga lineage or tradition.  

Initially, I was curious and open-minded and did not concern myself much with defending or justifying 
the detailed theory, theology  or practices of a particular Kriya Yoga tradition or lineage.  Therefore, one 
is likely to find links and references above to Kriya Yoga viewpoints and practices that differ 
greatly, contradict one another, and disagree with each other.  I thought that there must be many 
ways to ascend and descend the Great Mountain of Self-Realization.  

Since work on this webpage began in October 2004, it will not have much depth until October, 2005.  

I welcome your comments, ideas, suggestions and additions.  




Kriya Yoga Initiation Steps
A 12 to 15 Month Preparation Program


Step 1:  Meditation, Qigong, and Relaxation Practices  
12 Months

Establish a "Sadhana" (Daily Spiritual Practice) consisting of:
Practice a Qigong (Energy Exercises) set each day.
Practice a style of Hatha Yoga each day.
Practice a relaxation method each day.  
Practice a Meditation style each day.
Establish and use a home meditation room and altar.
Keep a spiritual journal
Study books, videotapes, or CDs about meditation.
Meet with Kriya Yoga Guide or Mentor
     Develop study and practice plan for Initiation
          {Discussed 3/24/04 with Dianna Smith and Krishna Das LoCicero]
Establish communications with  Kriya Yoga Guide, Kriyabans, Teachers 
Ananda Lessons in Meditation Online, Ananda Course in Self-Realization. 


Step 2.  Raja Yoga
6 Months

Continue with daily Sadhana
Study books, videotapes or CD's about Raja Yoga 
Gain a good understanding of the Eight Limbs of Yoga (Astanga)  
Meet with Kriya Yoga Guide or Mentor
Establish communications with  Kriya Yoga Guide, Kriyabans, Teachers 


Step 3.  Specific Kriya Yoga Knowledge and Practices
3 Months

Attend Kriya Yoga Preparation Workshop
Become a Disciple of Kriya Yoga Lineage
Study specific Kriya Yoga principles and practices
Study books, videotapes or CD's about Kriya Yoga 
Practice meditation, qigong, and relaxation each day
Develop a daily spiritual practice (Sadhana)  
Meet with Kriya Yoga Guide or Mentor
Establish communications with  Kriya Yoga Guide, Kriyabans, Teachers 


Step 4.  Receive Kriya Yoga Initiation

Participate in Kriya Yoga Initiation Retreat
Participate in Kriya Yoga Initiation Ceremonies
Receive Kriya Yoga Initiation
Resolve to Continue to be a Disciple of Kriya Yoga Lineage
Resolve to coniine daily Sadhana
Resolve to learn more about Raja and Kriya Yoga
Meet with Kriya Yoga Guide or Mentor
Establish communications with  Kriya Yoga Guide, Kriyabans, Teachers 
Resolve to attain to higher levels of self-development
Seek advice on personal preparation of higher Kriya Yoga Initiations

Definitions of Kriya Yoga



"Yoga of ritual action (kriya yoga)"
-  Georg Feuerstein, The Yoga Tradition, p. 36



Lineage and History of Kriya Yoga



Sri Yukteshwar and Paramahansa Yogananda



Lahiri Mahasaya (Yogiraj Shyama Charan Lahiri)
A Modern Kriya Yoga Saint
September 29,  1828 - September 26, 1895




Principles of Kriya Yoga


Kriya Yoga Philosophy and Lifestyle Practices


Coming Later




Kriya Yoga: Quotations, Poems, Sayings



Kriya Yoga is referred to by Krishna, India's greatest prophet, in a stanza of the Bhagavad Gita: 
"Offering inhaling breath into the outgoing breath, and offering the outgoing breath into the inhaling 
breath, the yogi neutralizes both these breaths; he thus releases the life force from the heart and 
brings it under his control." The interpretation is: "The yogi arrests decay in the body by an addition 
of life force, and arrests the mutations of growth in the body by apan (eliminating current). Thus 
neutralizing decay and growth, by quieting the heart, the yogi learns life control."
-  Paramahansa Yogananda, 
The Science of Kriya Yoga, Chaper 26. 



"My worship is of a very strange kind.
In this, Ganga water is not required.
No special utensils are necessary.
Even flowers are redundant.
In this puja all gods have disappeared.
And emptiness has emerged with euphoria."
Lahiri Mahasaya


"The yoga of action (kriya), leading to union with the soul is fiery aspiration demonstrated by 
consistent kriya practice with detachment from expectations (tapahs), study of the inner-self 
(swadhyaya), and devotion to Ishvara (Isvarapranidhani).  Ishavara is the primordial teacher, 
Gurudeva.  For the Yogi, he is Shiva.  His closest representative within us is the Soul.  Om is
its mantra and it appears in the world as shakti (energy) in the form of light and sound."
-  Pantanjali



"The Sanskrit word kriya means "action." Yoga can mean the practice of procedures to 
facilitate overall well-being and spiritual growth, or it can mean wholeness: the final result 
of spiritual practice. In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, a two thousand year old treatise on 
superconscious meditation, kriya yoga is defined as: disciplined regulation of mental 
and sensory impulses, self analysis, study of metaphysics, meditation, and surrender 
of self consciousness (egoism) in favor of God-realization.
Kriya yoga is a concentrated approach to Self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment: 
awakening to full knowledge of the Infinite and of cosmic processes. It includes the most 
effective processes of all systems of yoga, with emphasis on wholesome, constructive 
living and superconscious meditation practice. Superconscious states are clear, refined 
states of consciousness superior to ordinary waking states and subconscious and 
unconscious states. The purpose of kriya yoga practice is to restore the practitioner's 
awareness to wholeness. This is accomplished by acquiring knowledge of one's true 
nature as a spiritual being; cultivating rational thinking, emotional balance, and 
physical health; purposeful living; and meditation."
Kriya Yoga Philosophy and Lifestyle Practices



"Kriya is a gentle, skillful, balanced approach to life -- a way of conscious and creative living. 
It is a methodology of self-reliance, self-discipline, and self-inquiry. An ageless esoteric system 
which transcends both historical and cultural reference, Kriya Yoga unifies the mystical philosophies 
which are the foundation of all spiritual traditions. It is a way of self-study and meditative attunement 
which induces a direct perception and insight into the nature of consciousness, the pattern of your 
mind, and Life itself. Through the study of universal principles, and the use of specific spiritual 
techniques, it is a system for experiencing a transformation in consciousness which will enrich 
your life on every level."
Kriology: Temple of Kriya Yoga 



"Tantra consists of methods to expand consciousness to perceive trancendental states. Certain 
practices referred to as "kriyas" help initiate this expansion. In literature, one will find the word kriya 
used in several different contexts. It is applied to yogic cleansing practices that maintain the health 
of the physical body as well as in reference to certain rituals, devotional attitude, and prayers. In the 
context of this on-going column, Tantric Kriya practices are techniques used to open up the chakras 
and purify the nadi system. Direct experience of these aspects of esoteric physiology is not 
necessary to begin the practice of Tantric Kriya Yoga."
-  Alan Verdegraal, Tantric Kriya Yoga   



"Kriya yoga teaches man that God is to be discovered in his own body first, concentrating 
his gaze on the point between his eye-brows. Once man realizes God within his own body, he 
automatically realizes Him in others too. His body is the temple where he starts worshipping 
the Prana which controls the entire physical machinery. Each and everybody has this Prana
vitalizing force in common and by realizing its mystery through Pranayama, etc., man realizes 
the Supreme Consciousness that controls the universe, for it is the same force that impels 
the individual and the universe. Thus, Kriya yoga will go a great way in bringing about a 
sense of unity amongst all men and women, and ultimately in bringing about world peace."
What is Kriya



"Kriya Yoga is mentioned twice by the ancient sage Patanjali, foremost exponent of yoga, who 
wrote: "Kriya Yoga consists of body discipline, mental control, and meditating on Aum."  Patanjali 
speaks of God as the actual Cosmic Sound of Aum heard in meditation.   Aum is the Creative 
Word,  the sound of the Vibratory Motor.  Even the yoga-beginner soon inwardly hears the wondrous 
sound of Aum.   Receiving this blissful spiritual encouragement, the devotee becomes assured 
that he is in actual touch with divine realms."
-  Paramahansa Yogananda, 
The Science of Kriya Yoga, Chaper 26. 



"Life is yoga or unity.  Primarily, this means the experience of unity of body, mind and soul and 
secondly, the unity between the individual personified or embodied soul and the universal divine 
soul. Kriya-Yoga is a method which furthers the physical, mental and spiritual development of a 
human being. This leads us to the conclusion that the state of yoga-unity can be reached by 
gradual degrees. Further, Kriya-Yoga means unity between body, mind and soul in each 
action at every moment of the daily life."
-   What is Kriya Yoga



"Kriya Yoga is a five-fold path of Kriya Hatha Yogum, Kriya Vasi Yogum (pranayam), Kriya 
Dhyana Yogum (meditation), Kriya Mantra Yogum and Kriya Bhakti Yogum ( the Yoga of Love 
and Devotion). It is, in short, the gospel of Kriya Mulaguru Babaji Nagaraj."
-   Kriya Yoga, International Babaji Yoga Sangam



"The science of Kriya Yoga, mentioned so often in these pages, became widely known in 
modern India through the instrumentality of Lahiri Mahasaya, my guru's guru. The Sanskrit 
root of Kriya is kri, to do, to act and react; the same root is found in the word karma, the 
natural principle of cause and effect. Kriya Yoga is thus "union (yoga) with the Infinite through 
a certain action or rite."  A yogi who faithfully follows its technique is gradually freed from 
karma or the universal chain of causation."
-  Paramahansa Yogananda, 
The Science of Kriya Yoga, Chaper 26. 



"Consider yourself very humble.This means that one should do seva (service),
vandana (prayers) and maintain a feeling of being a servant of all.  Always do 
Satsanga by associating with moral and spiritually oriented people.  Inquire
inquire into the nature of yourself and read spiritually uplifting literature 
(svadhyaya).  From time to time congregate in a place and talk about God.
Do not show disrespect to any name or form of God.  At the end of the year, 
at least once, leave the worldly duties and go to a retreat for a month, or a 
week, or at least three days and enjoy the solitude."
-  Lahiri Mahasaya, Five Guidelines for Householders

"Yogananda's main teaching was the use of Kriya Yoga. Kriya Yoga, meaning "union (yoga) 
with the Infinite through a certain action or rite (Kriya)" (Yogananda 242), is a technique of relaxation, meditation and concentration which leads to a personal experience with God. When the inner 
peace arrives, one can then feel God's overwhelming presence and reach greater clarity. Kriya 
Yoga is the method by which carbon is pulled from the blood and exchanged with fresh oxygen 
to rejuvenate the tissues and prevent decay. Furthermore, the extra oxygen is transformed into 
energy, "life current," to reinvigorate the brain and the spinal centers. Thus, Kriya Yoga quiets 
the body and the mind to clear it from troubling daily thoughts to reach the final goal, bliss or 
self-realization. This is the freedom from karma, the laws of cause and effect. One who practices 
these methods will halt the decay and growth of the body by acquiring additional life force and 
eliminating current. The body and mind will then be trained and the soul will eventually be 
liberated and truly freed."
-   Religious Movements Homepage: Self-Realization Fellowship



"The Way of Kriya is 5% technique, and 95% practice and understanding the heart.  The path 
of Kriya begins as a completely inward journey.  You must rise up inside your apparent form, 
perhaps for a very long time, until a moment comes when inward and outward are no longer 
relative, and no longer relevant.  In samadhi there is no division of Self whatsoever.  Kriyas will 
take you to a point where this samadhi is possible, but it won't happen as long as you hold 
yourself back by imagining yourself as separate.  So know from the outset that the only 
obstruction in your way is that which you imagine. What is being falsely imagined is that 
the Self is separate from the Whole."
-   Kriya


"Of all such yoga techniques, the most effective, according to Paramhansa Yogananda 
and his line of gurus, because the most central and direct in its application, is Kriya Yoga. 
This was the technique, they said, that was taught in ancient times by Lord Krishna to Arjuna. 
And Krishna, in the Bhagavad Gita, states that he gave this technique to humanity in an 
incarnation long prior to the one in which he taught Arjuna. Of all the techniques of yoga, 
Kriya is quite probably the most ancient.  Kriya Yoga directs energy lengthwise around the 
spine, gradually neutralizing the eddies of chitta. At the same time it strengthens the nerves
in the spine and brain to receive cosmic currents of energy and consciousness. Yogananda 
stated that Kriya is the supreme yoga science. Beside it, other yoga techniques that work 
on calming the breath, concentrating the mind, etc., though important in themselves (Yogananda 
also taught a number of them), must be classed as subsidiary."
Kriya Yoga - Highway to the Infinite   J. Donald Walters.  





Notes on Kriya Yoga


I like the idea that "personal daily practice" is the paramount concern.  Practice will reveal the 
truth and provide the insight.  Theories are useful, but personal experience counts for a great
deal of the meaningfulness in mystical and insight traditions.  I concede that other practices
may work even better for others.   I try to stay flexible, smile, keep an open heart and mind,
and express gratitude for the spiritual inventiveness of the millions of seekers past and present.  

"An ounce of practice is better than tons of theory"
-  Swami Sivananda

I appreciate the robustness of Indian philosophy and religion.  For example, I favor a Goddess in 
religious worship and most Indian religions make ample room for the Goddess.  I never
found much tolerance for the Goddess in the popular Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions.  So we
part, and find different Pathways (Tao) up the Great Mountain and down into the Valley Spirit.  
As far as I can tell, Kriya Yoga welcomes us Goddess Lovers.    

It appears that Kriya Yoga was developed by Lahiri Mayasaya, himself a householder and 
civil service employee, to provide a simplied form of Yoga for ordinary people.  It was 
intended to have popular appeal, rather than a appeal to a small group of devotees.  
In this respect, its methods and practices are Tantric.   Everyone can enter, relatively
quickly, into the practice.  A Guru-priest provides the initiation ceremony - open to all
seekers regardless of their religion. 

There seems to be considerable disagreement about the function and actions of 
the Self-Relization Fellowship and Ananda.  These insider politics are somewhat 
out of my league.  I go to the Expanding Light retreat and education center of 
Ananda in Nevada City because their seminars and activities are interesting,
the facilities and food are very good, it is close to my home, Crystal Clarity offers some
good publications, the staff are friendly and helpful, their web presence and email
newsletters are informative, the costs are very reasonable for me to camp there 
and attend classes, and I like the Sierra Nevada foothills.    .  








Michael P. Garofalo's E-mail


Valley Spirit Yoga
Yoga Research and Education

Red Bluff, Tehama County, North Sacramento Valley, Northern California, U.S.A.
Cities in the area: Oroville, Paradise, Durham, Chico, Hamilton City, Orland, Corning,
Rancho Tehama, Los Molinos, Tehama, Gerber, Manton, Cottonwood, 
Anderson, Shasta Lake, Palo Cedro, and Redding, CA


© 2004, Green Way Research, Red Bluff, California
Michael P. Garofalo, All Rights Reserved



The Spirit of Gardening

Cloud Hands: Taijiquan and Qigong

Zen Poetry

Cuttings: Haiku and Short Poems

Subject Index to the Cloud Hands Website

Cold Mountain Sages

Eight Section Brocade Qigong

Green Way Research


Fitness and Well Being















































































Alphabetical Subject Index


Cloud Hands Website
Taijiquan, Qigong, Taoism, Classics, Weapons: Sword and Staff

Fitness and Well Being Website

      Gardening, Meditation, Walking, Yoga, Strength Training,
      Fitness for Older Persons, Aerobics, Relaxation  

The Spirit of Gardening

2,700 Quotes Arranged by 130 Topics, History, Guides,
     Psycho-Spiritual Aspects of Gardening 

Web Guides, Bibliographies, Links, Directories, Quotes, Notes


Alphabetical Subject Index


Aging Well   

Alphabetical Subject Index to the Cloud Hands Website   

Ancient Goddesses - Quotations, Poems, Sayings, Prayers, Songs

Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi): Tiger, Bear, Crane, Deer, and Monkey

Arthritis Therapy - Exercise: T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Chi Kung      

Bear, Standing Bear, Level 1 Ranking, Valley Spirit Taijiquan

The Bear: The Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi)    

Bibliography - Ch'i Kung

Bibliography - Taijiquan     

Bird - Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi)

Blog - Valley Spirit Journal by Michael P. Garofalo

Breathing and Taijiquan     

Breathing and Yoga    


Buddhism and Martial Arts    

Buddhist Ethics

California (Northern) T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Directory: Instructors, Schools, Information

Charkas (Energy Centers of the Subtle Body)

Chan Ssu Chin - Silk Reeling    

Cheng Man-Ch'ing  (1901-1975)    

Chen Style T'ai Chi Ch'uan     

Ch'i - Breathwork

Ch'i or Qi

Ch'i Kung: Bibliography and Links    

Ch'i Kung Instructor: Michael P. Garofalo in Red Bluff, California   

Chinese Massage

Ch'i or Qi and Taijiquan     

Classes, Valley Spirit Taijiquan, Instructional Program

Classics of T'ai Chi Ch'uan     

Cloud Hands: T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Ch'i Kung     

Cloud Hands T'ai Chi Ch'uan Journal     

Cold Mountain Poets: Wanderers, Mystics, and Sages     

Confucius (K'ung Fu-tzu)  (551 - 479 BCE)    


Crane - Bird - Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi)

Crane, Soaring Crane, Intermediate Program, Level 3, Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan   

Cuttings: Short Poems by Michael P. Garofalo  

Cuttings: Above the Fog  

Dance and Taijiquan       

Dayan - Wild Goose Qigong

The Deer: The Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi)    

Diabetes Therapy - Exercise: Taijiquan and Qigong   

Disclaimer of the Cloud Hands Website  

Eight Section Brocade Ch'i Kung       

Eight Silken Treasures Qigong    

Eight Trigrams and Taijiquan          

Embrace the One - Zhan Zhuang - Standing Like A Tree

Emptiness in Full Bloom    

Entering Tranquility (Ru Jing) Meditation      

Exercise - Diabetes Therapy - Taijiquan and Qigong   

Feedback, Kudos and Reviews for the Cloud Hand's Website     

Fitness and Well Being    

Fitness for Older Persons     

Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi): Tiger, Bear, Crane, Deer, and Monkey

Five Precepts of Buddhism     

Five Elements (Wu-Xing) and Taijiquan   

Five Stepping Movements of Taijiquan    

Flexibility and Stretching     

Five Elements (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal)


Flowers in the Sky     

Gardening: Quotes, Poems, History, Sayings

Gardening: Quips and Maxims by Michael P. Garofalo

The Four Gates: Grasping the Sparrow's Tail    

Michael P. Garofalo's Biography

Michael P. Garofalo's T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Practice    

The Goddess - Quotations, Poems, Sayings, Prayers, Songs    

Goose - Bird - Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi)  

Goose - Wild Goose Qigong             

Grasping the Sparrow's Tail          

Green Way Research        

Green Way Research - Taijiquan and Qigong       

Green Wizard 

Gu Shen Taijiquan Journal     

Gu Shen (Valley Spirit) Taijiquan Instructional Program

Haiku and Short Poems     

Hatha Yoga

Health and Fitness - T'ai Chi Ch'uan    

Hidden Tiger, Beginning Program, Level 2, Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan   

Index to the Cloud Hands Website

Instructional Program, Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan    

Journal - Valley Spirit Journal by Michael P. Garofalo

Kriya Yoga    

Kundalini (Coiled Serpent) Energy

Kwang Ping Taijiquan of Kuo Lien Ying     

Labyrinths and Mazes

Links and Bibliography: Qigong    

Links and Bibliography: Taijiquan       

Long Form 108 Yang Style Taijiquan     


Master Chang San-Feng  (circa 1350)       

Master Cheng Man-Ch'ing  (1901 - 1975)    

Master Han Shan  (circa 750)    

Master Kuo Lien Ying     

Master Sun Lu-Tang   

Mastery, Self Control, Self Mastery, Choices, Will Power, Strength of Character

Meditation - General

Meditation and Breathing

Meditation and Walking    

Meditation Instructor: Michael P. Garofalo in Red Bluff, California        

Meditation Methods and Techniques  

Meditation Quotations    

Meditation - Standing Like A Tree  

Meditation - Wu Ji - The Edge of Emptiness  

Michael P. Garofalo's T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Practice    

Minding the Breath

Months of the Year: Quotes, Poems, Links     

Moving Hands Like Clouds:  T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong    

Northern California T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Directory: Instructors, Schools, Information

Nature Mysticism   

Nine Movement Temple Ch'i Kung Exercise Set

Oak Tree in the Courtyard    

Old Cloud Hands Website

Older Persons Exercise and Wellness Programs   

Oregon T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Directory: Instructors, Schools, Information   

Original Cloud Hands URL    

Original Waving Hands Like Clouds URL    

Photography - Valley Spirit Photography Gallery    

Pranayama: Breathing Techniques from Yoga     

Private Instruction by Michael P. Garofalo, Instructional Programs

Pulling Onions: The Quips and Maxims of a Gardener

Push Hands - T'ui Shou   

Qigong: Bibliography and Links    

Qigong - Breathwork

Qigong, Ch'i Kung - Chinese Mind-Body Exercises

Qigong Instructor: Michael P. Garofalo in Red Bluff, California        

Qigong Walking      

Qi or Ch'i and Taijiquan     

Raja Yoga

Red Bluff, Valley Spirit Taijiquan Instructional Program

Relaxation and Taijiquan     

Reviews of the Cloud Hand's Website     

Self Control, Self Mastery, Choices, Will Power    


Senior Citizens Fitness Programs  

Sensing Hands: Push Hands - T'ui Shou   

Shoong, Sung, Song  - Loose, Relaxed, Open, Yielding, Responsive     

Short Form, Yang Style, Beijing Simplified 24

Silk Reeling    

Simplified 24 From, Yang Style       

Soaring Crane, Intermediate Program, Level 3, Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan

Soulful Gardening

Speaking to the Spirit Meditation

The Spirit of Gardening    

Staff Weapons: Jo, Bo, Can, Staff, Spear    

Standing Bear, Level 1 Ranking, Valley Spirit Taijiquan

Standing Like A Tree - Zhan Zhuang

Standing Meditation (Wu Ji)

Sticking Hands - T'ui Shou   

Stork - Bird - Five Animal Frolics

Strength Training    

Stretching and Flexibility

Subject Index to the Cloud Hands Website

Sun Lu-Tang   

Sun Style T'ai Chi Ch'uan     

Swordsmanship and T'ai Chi Ch'uan     

T'ai Ch'i Classics      

Tai Chi for Arthritis

Tai Chi for Diabetes

T'ai Chi Ch'uan: Bibliography and Links     

T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Directory: Instructors, Schools, Information, Workshops      
Northern California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Instructor: Michael P. Garofalo in Red Bluff, California      

T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Red Bluff, CA  

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Short Form, Beijing Simplified 24, Yang Style     

T'ai Chi Ch'uan: Links and Bibliography      

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Staff     

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Sword (Jian)     

Taijiquan: Bibliography and Links      

Taijiquan - Breathwork

Taijiquan Classics      

Taijiquan For Good Health, Fitness and Vitality         

Taijiquan Instructor: Michael P. Garofalo in Red Bluff, California        

Taijiquan Jian (Sword)     

Tantric Yoga

Taoism, Nature Mysticism, Alchemy      

Temple Qigong - A Nine Movement Exercise Set     

Thirteen Postures: 8 Gates and 5 Steps                  

Thirteen Treasures Walking Qigong       

The 300 Missing Poems of Han Shan      

The Tiger: The Five Animal Frolics (Wu Qin Xi)    

Tiger, Hidden Tiger, Beginning Program, Level 2, Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan

Tree Qigong - Zhan Zhuang - Standing Like A Tree   

Trees - Quotations, Poems, Lore, Wisdom  

Trees - Lore, Magick, Myths, Magick

24 From, Yang Style, Standard       

Valley Spirit Journal by Michael P. Garofalo     

Valley Spirit Labyrinths  

Valley Spirit Photography Gallery    

Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan Club        

Valley Spirit Taijiquan Instructional Program

Valley Spirit Taijiquan and Qigong Journal by Michael P. Garofalo       

Vancouver, B.C., T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Directory: Instructors, Schools

Vitality, Health and Qigong   

Walking and Labyrinths

Walking and Taijiquan     

Walking - General Fitness Exercise

Walking - Quotations     

Washington T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Directory: Instructors, Schools, Information 

Waving Hands Like Clouds:  T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong    

Wild Goose Qigong

Will Power, Self Control, Self Mastery, Choices, Strength of Character   


Wu Ji - Standing Meditation   

Yoga Class, TFFC, Red Bluff, CA

Yang Style Taijiquan Long Form 108 Movements     

Yang Style Taijiquan Short Form 24 Movements       

Yin-Yang Sensitivity Training: Sticking Hands - T'ui Shou   


YogaFit Class, Red Bluff, CA - Instructor: Michael P. Garofalo

Yoga Class, Red Bluff, CA - Instructor: Michael P. Garofalo

Yoga - Breathwork   

YogaFit Training Class in Red Bluff at TFFC, Saturdays

Yoga - Hatha   

Yoga - Kriya

Yoga -Tantric

Yoga-Taiji Index

Zhan Zhuang - Standing Like A Tree

Zen Poetry       

Zen Buddhist Quotations   



Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan Club

Red Bluff, Tehama County, North Sacramento Valley, Northern California, U.S.A.
Cities and small towns in the area: Oroville, Paradise, Durham, Chico, Hamilton City,
Corning, Rancho Tehama, Los Molinos, Tehama, Proberta, Gerber, Manton, Cottonwood,
Vina, Anderson, Shasta Lake, Palo Cedro, Igo, Ono, Redding, Shasta, Colusa, Willows,
Richfield, Fall River, Montgomery Creek, Alturas, McCloud, Dunsmuir, Yreka, Happy Camp,
Shingletown, Burney, Mt. Shasta City, Weaverville, Williams, Chester, Orland,
Susanville, Weed, Gridley, Marysville, Yuba City, NorCalifia, CA, California.


October 4, 2004


Green Way Research   

Valley Spirit T'ai Chi Ch'uan

Cloud Hands: T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Ch'i Kung