Genetics, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Anatomy, Science, Taxonomy, Natural History

Bibliography     Links     Quotes     Notes 

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Research by Michael P. Garofalo, M.S. 



Bibliography, Links, Resources

Biology: Genetics, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Anatomy, Science


These are books I am reading, studying, using or have read that are in my home library (VSCL) in Red Bluff, California; or from books borrowed from local public or university libraries. 


Botanica.  Chief Editors are R. J. Turner, Jr. and Ernie Wasson.  Over 10,000 plants described, with complete details on cultivation, propagation and growing zones.  Barnes and Noble and Random House, 1997.  Hardbound oversized book, over 6,500 lavish color illustrations, many detailed indexes (scientific names and common names) and lists, glossary, 1020 pages.  ISBN: 0760716420.  VSCL. 

California, Northern: Natural History, Travel

Capon, Brian.  Botany for Gardeners.  Portland, Timber Press, 1990, Third Edition 2010.  Index, bibliography, glossary.  268 pages.  VSCL.  Read in 1998 and 2014. 

Capra, Fritjof.  The Web of Life: A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems  New York, Anchor, Doubleday, 1996.  Index, bibliography, notes, 347 pages.  ISBN:  0385476760.  VSCL.  Read in 5/2010.  

Cloud Hands Blog    By Mike Garofalo

Complexity   Quotes, Sayings, Notes.  Quotes compiled by Mike Garofalo. 

Darwin, Charles (1809-1882).  The Annotated Origin: A Facsimile of the First Edition of On the Origin of the Species.  By Charles Darwin.  Annotated by James  T. Costa. Belknap Press of the Harvard University Press, 2009.  Indices, references, biographies, appendices, 537 pages.  ISBN: 9780674032811.  VSCL.  Read in 1/2017 and in college in 1965. 

Dawkins, Richard (1941-)  The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution.  New York, Free Press, 2009.  Index, bibliography, notes, 470 pages. ISBN: 9781416594789.  Read in 11/2016.  VSCL. 

Dawkins, Richard.  The Selfish Gene.  Oxford University Press, 1976, 2006.  Index, endnotes, 464 pages.  ISBN: 9780198788607.  VSCL.  Read in 8/2013. 

Desmond, Adrian and James Moore.  Darwin: The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist.  New York, W. W. Norton, 1991.  Index, bibliography, notes, 808 pages.  ISBN: 9780393311501. This Darwin biography was detailed, comprehensive, historically fascinating, and very interesting to me.  Life in London, and Down House, from 1840-1880, is covered in detail.  VSCL.  Read in 12/2016. 

Encyclopedia of Gardening.  The American Horticultural Society.  Edited by Christopher Brickell, Elvin McDonald, Trevor Cole.  London, DK, Dorling Kindersley, 1993.  Detailed indexes of common and scientific names, glossary, 647 pages.  ISBN: 1564582914.  VSCL. 






Gardening   Research and compilation by Mike Garofalo. 

The Gene: An Intimate History.  By Siddhartha Mukherjee.  Scribner, 2016.  608 pages.  ISBN: 9781476733500. 

Headstrom, Richard.  Adventures with a Microscope.  New York, Dover Pub., 1941, 1977.  ISBN: 9780486234717.  VSCL.  Read in 10/2016, and 2002. 

The History of Gardening Timeline  Research by Mike Garofalo.

Hölldobler, Bert and Edward O. Wilson.  Journey to the Ants: A Story of Scientific Exploration.  Belknap Press, Revised Edition, 1994.  228 pages.  ISBN: 9780674485266.  VSCL. 

Hölldobler, Bert and Edward O. Wilson.  The Superorganism: The Beauty, Elegance, and Strangeness of Insect Societies.  W. W. Norton & Co., 2008.  544 pages.  ISBN: 9780393067040.  VSCL. 






Mauseth, James D.  Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology.  Sudbury, MA, Jones and Bartlett Pub., Fourth Edition, 2009.  Index, glossary, 625 pages.  ISBN: 9780763753450.  VSCL. 

Mayr, Ernst (1904-2005)  Toward a New Philosophy of Biology: Observations of an Evolutionist.  Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1988.  Index, bibliography, endnotes, 564 pages.  ISBN: 0674896661.  Read in 1/2017.  TCPL. 

Microscope.  I use a AmScope SE305R-PZ stereo microscope, 10X, 20X, 30X and 60X power.  VSCL.    

Mitchell, Melanie.  Complexity: A Guided Tour. New York, Oxford University Press, 2009.  Index, bibliography, notes, 349 pages.  ISBN:  9780199798100.  VSCL. 

Natural History and Travel: Northern California, Oregon, and Washington

Naturalism, Scientific Attitude, Non-religious, Free Thought

Oregon: Natural History, Travel

Perception, The Five Senses   Research by Mike Garofalo.   

Prehistoric Life: The Definitive Visual History of Life on Earth.  London, DK, Dorling Kindersley, 2009, 2012.  Index, lists, 512 pages.  ISBN: 9780756699109.  Lavishly illustrated with colored artwork, photos, charts, and side bars.  Many expert authorities were used to write different sections.  A delightful book for any coffee table.  VSCL. 

Serafini, Anthony.  The Epic History of Biology.  Perseus Pub., 1993.  Index, endnotes, 395 pages.  ISBN: 073820577X.  VSCL.  Read in 11/2016. 

Touching, Touch, Hands, Fingers   Research by Mike Garofalo.  

Vision, Seeing, Eyes   Compiled by Mike Garofalo. 

Washington State: Natural History, Travel

Well Being, Fitness, Exercise: Bibliography, Links, Resources   Research by Mike Garofalo. 

Wilson, Edward O. (1929-)  The Diversity of Life.  New York, W.W. Norton and Co., 1962.  Index, glossary, notes, 424 pages.  ISBN: 0393310477.  VSCL.  Read in 4/2013. 


VSCL = Valley Spirit Center Library, Red Bluff, California

TCPL = Tehama County Public Library, Red Bluff, California


Fitness, Exercise Science

How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons

The Good Life

Index to A Philosopher's Notebooks




Quotations, Sayings, Notes

Biology: Genetics, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Anatomy, Science

I often post quotations of related to the biological sciences to my Cloud Hands Blog



"I believe that a unification of science is indeed possible if we are willing to expand the concept of science to include the basic principles and concepts of not only the physical but also the biological sciences.  Such a new philosophy of science will need to adopt a greatly enlarged vocabulary─one that includes such words as biopopulation, telenomy, and program.  It will have to abandon its loyalty to a rigid essentialism and determinism in favor of a broader recognition of stochastic processes, a pluralism of causes and effects, the hierarchical organization of much of nature, the emergence of unanticipated properties at higher hierarchical levels, the internal cohesion of complex systems, and many other concepts absent from─or at lest neglected by─the classical philosophy of science."
-  Ernst Mayr, Toward a New Philosophy of Biology, 1988, p. 21


"We are but whirlpools in a river of ever-flowing water.  We are not stuff that abides, put patterns that perpetuate themselves."
-  Norbet Weiner, 1950


"The structure of the human brain is enormously complex.  It contains about 10 billion nerve cells (neurons), which are interlinked in a vast network through 1,000 billion junctions (synapses).  The whole brain can be divided into subsections, or sub-networks, which communicate with each other in a network fashion.  All this results in intricate patterns of intertwined webs, networks of nesting within larger networks."
-  Fritjof Capra, The Web of Life: A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems, 1996, p. 82


"The ultimate test of a scientific hypothesis is experiment.  Experiment specifically means that you don't just wait for nature to do something, and passively observe it and see what it correlates with.  You go in there and do something.  You manipulate.  You change something, in a systematic way, and compare the result with a 'control' that lacks the change, or you compare it with a different change."
-  Richard Dawkins, The Greatest Show on Earth, p. 66


"Much of what we know about plant physiology is based on results from carefully designed experiments.  Whether biologists, chemists, or physicists, experimental researchers employ a common systematic approach in their work when they follow the so-called scientific method.  Research is begun when observations of a particular biological or physical phenomena are made, both directly by the investigator and indirectly through the accounts of other scientists (and in some cases, amateurs) in scientific and other publications.  Extensive research in a library is an important prerequisite to experimentation.  For example, a plant physiologist interested in the Venus' flytrap and its rapid leaf closure many spend months searching the literature to become thoroughly acquainted with previously reported information and opinions on both the specific and related topics, in this case, plant movements in general.
    The second stage of the scientific method is the formulation of a hypothesis, a provisional conjecture based solely on preliminary observations of how the phenomenon takes place.  The hypothesis is then tested by a series of carefully planned experiments.  To be of value, such experiments must focus on the specific objective of study by limiting the number of external factors that may influence the outcome; and then it must be repeated several time to determine whether comparable results are obtainable.  Well-planned experimental design, the accuracy of the techniques employed, and the ability of other scientists to duplicate the work are crucial to the quality of scientific endeavor.
    Experiments may include laboratory tests of the plant's responses to various treatments, studies of the organism in its native habitat, microscopic examination of cells and tissues, or a combination of these and other methods.  The results of each experiment are recorded and, from time to time, evaluated for their contribution to an understanding of the topic under study.  From analysis of the accumulated data other experiments may be undertaken, techniques refined, and different approaches to the problem devised.
    Finally, when sufficient and convincing evidence has been collected for presentation to the scientific community, conclusions are drawn that may, or may not, support the original hypothesis.  Regardless of the outcome, the gathered information is of use to other scientists only if it reported factually and without bias on the part of the investigator.  Nowhere, in all human knowledge, must truth be accounted for more rigorously than in the world of science."  
-  Brian Capon, Botany for Gardeners, 2010, p. 146





Research by
Michael P. Garofalo

Green Way Research, Red Bluff, California

This webpage was last updated on January 4, 2017. 

This webpage was first distributed online on March 12, 2014. 

Michael P. Garofalo's E-mail

Brief Biography of Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.

Cloud Hands Blog

Index to A Philosopher's Notebooks